The tough news is that the biome as we know it is grievously injured, and there will not be a return to mid-20th century global temperatures or weather patterns. At the same time, the biome can be healed and rejuvenated.


Public-private partnerships are the key to tackling climate change, WEF
Third Derivative
Linux Foundation Energy
Sylvanaqua Farms
Climate Tech’s Four Valleys of Death and Why We Must Build a Bridge, RMI
How Biden aims to amp up the government’s fight against climate change, Juliet Eilperin and Annie Linskey (November 2020)
E.P.A.’s Final Deregulatory Rush Runs Into Open Staff Resistance, Lisa Friedman (November 2020)

Social and societal impact

How I feel about all of this, Clara Changxin Fang
A New Therapy for an Age of Climate Grief, Laura Bliss (February 2020)
New Climate Maps Show a Transformed United States, Al Shaw et al (September 2020)
How Climate Migration Will Reshape America, Abraham Lustgarten (September 2020)
“When we are” – @alexsteffen
“Climate risks ‘may give rise to abrupt increases in risk premia across a wide range of assets’…” – @alexsteffen
NOAA unveils new U.S. climate ‘normals’ that are warmer than ever, Bob Henson and Jason Samenow (May 2021)

Biodiversity loss

Nature crisis: ‘Insect apocalypse’ more complicated than thought, Matt McGrath (April 2020)
Earth’s Biodiversity Is Still Collapsing, Catrin Einhorn (September 2020)

Greenhouse gas emissions

The winter of 2019-2020 was the warmest ever on land, The Economist (March 2020)
Earth’s carbon dioxide levels hit record high…, Andrew Freedman and Chris Mooney (June 2020)
The Role of Air Pollution Data in West Coast Firestorm, Berkeley Earth (September 2020)
Atmospheric levels of methane surge to record high, Kurtis Alexander (July 2020)
For The First Time, Arctic Sea Ice Has Failed To Refreeze By Late October, Zachary Labe (October 2020)
Earth is now losing 1.2 trillion tons of ice each year., Chris Mooney and Andrew Freedman (January 2021)
It’s 70 F or 39 C degrees warmer than normal in eastern Antarctica…” – @tveitdal (March 2022)


California had its driest February on record, NYTimes (March 2020)
Historic ‘megadrought’ underway in California…, Paul Rogers (April 2020) [include the comments]
Russia Declares Emergency After Arctic Oil Spill,  Ivan Nechepurenko (June 2020)
This giant climate hot spot is robbing the West of its water, Juliet Elperin (August 2020)
US Drought Monitor


Wildfires ‘edge closer to Chernobyl nuclear plant’, BBC News (April 2020)
Why it’s so damn hot in the Arctic right now, Umair Irfan (June 2020)
Warmer. Burning. Epidemic-challenged. The California Dream…, H. Kelly et al (September 2020)
In Brazil, It’s Not Just the Amazon that’s Burning, Jake Spring (September 2020)
It’s Not Just the West. These Places Are Also On Fire, Veronica Penney (September 2020)
California’s wildfire smoke plumes are unlike anything…, Matthew Cappucci (September 2020)
The world’s largest wetlands are on fire, Ivana Kottasov´a et al (November 2020)
Wildfires rage early in parched West, Simon Romero (April 2021)

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