Business, brand, and marketing strategy are separate but related. Doing any one in isolation produces inferior results. Here are some simple but helpful guides.
Coaching in person vs. over the phone
Many people wonder about the trade-offs between coaching in-person versus over the phone. Most assume that in-person sessions are better, but as a coach and coachee I’ve been iteratively surprised by how effective phone-based coaching can be.
Built to Leap
Successful global companies must reinvent themselves repeatedly to avoid endgame. What does it mean to be Built to Leap?
Strategic planning made simple
Strategic planning recommendations for startups, small businesses, social entrepreneurs, and enterprises.
Ready, set, meditate
A regular meditation practice cultivates clear thought and general well-being. Here are some of my favorite resources.
Who is your customer?
Here is a simple framework I’ve used the past few years to help enterprises, SMBs, and startups identify their customers.
When your business needs vision
Vision is a goal. It is not a story, an idea, or plan. It is not a means to an end—it is the end itself.
Dealing with dull
In the play Our Town, the Stage Manager says at the end that only “poets and saints” realize their lives as they live it. But that richness of experience is actually available to all of us.
Resilience, innovation, lean startups
We need more resilient systems, and disruptive innovation is, to a large extent, how we’ll get there. Lean Startup therefore is a right idea at the right time. It’s not just for startups—it’s for everyone.