Time, energy, attention

There’s an analogy that consultants often use about a professor who tries to fit some rocks, pebbles, and sand into a jar. The punchline is that if you put the rocks in first, there’s magically room for everything else around the edges. If you fill the jar with sand, it will fill to the top. In daily life, it can be hard to prioritize our most-important goals, given the constant distractions we encounter. One trick to improve how you manage time is to recognize how well you manage your energy. When our energy reserves are low, we focus on the…

Emotional intelligence

Emotions often get a bad rap in business settings. They are irrational, contagious, easily manipulated, and at odds with sound thinking. At least, that’s one view. I say instead that emotions are an integral and powerful part of how we think. And behind each individual feeling, there is a specific and decodable thought. For example: Anger = I am not getting what I want.Fear = There is danger here.Hatred = I am in ideological disagreement with someone with whom I share a close relationship. (Thank you to Robert C. Solomon and his book The Passions for pointing out this one.)Admiration = This person has a…

What will serve

I once heard Joan Halifax speak about the difference between what we desire and “what will serve.” Separating the two can be tricky. As a coach and strategist, I tend to start with wants. We can’t see the path forward, and the resources all around us, until we recognize what it is we’re trying to do. That said, there are times to put our wants aside. To recognize that each situation has its own unique logic. To rise to the occasion or surrender to it, even if the occasion is not to our liking. Wanting things is okay, as long as we can hold those…

Mindful metaphors

Human thought and language are both inherently metaphoric. Which means we never see or describe reality just as it is. Hence a paradox. Our metaphors matter because they determine what we can see and the meanings we can then make. And at the same time, no word, perception, or thought is ever fully true. So we can’t take them at face value. The secret to being miserable and/or unsuccessful is to believe your own thinking. Although we can’t get by without words, thoughts, and perceptions, we can be mindful of our relationships to them. We can create traps where our ideas…

Size matters

Sometimes our thoughts or emotions get overwhelming, repetitive. We get lost in their reality, and lose touch with the real world. At times like these, it’s helpful to remember that the part of the brain that controls conscious thought is small, and tires easily. The parts of the brain and central nervous system that handle emotions are larger. Larger still is your body. And larger than that is your environment… including your work station, diet, home, friends, digital networks, country, etc. Thought < Emotions < Body < Environment If you are stuck (thought) or stressed (emotions), notice that it’s sometimes easiest and…

No judgments

I was working out at a small gym recently. The only other two people there were a trainer and his client. The latter was a man in his mid-forties, who complained over the course of many minutes, and many exercises, about a woman named Sarah. He complained about Sarah’s parenting style. Her relationships. Her career choices. Reaching an angry crescendo, he said to his trainer, “I hate it when people say ‘No judgments’—that’s what we do as human beings, we judge!” That’s true, we do. But we don’t need to attach to our judgments. A judgment is always our problem, our choice to suffer. To close our…

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