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Size matters

Sometimes our thoughts or emotions get overwhelming, repetitive. We get lost in their reality, and lose touch with the real world.

At times like these, it’s helpful to remember that the part of the brain that controls conscious thought is small, and tires easily.

The parts of the brain and central nervous system that handle emotions are larger.

Larger still is your body. And larger than that is your environment… including your work station, diet, home, friends, digital networks, country, etc.

Thought < Emotions < Body < Environment

If you are stuck (thought) or stressed (emotions), notice that it’s sometimes easiest and most effective to intervene in those larger aspects of your system.

After all, you wouldn’t try to pick up a barbell with just your pinkie finger, would you? Use size to your advantage.

When we’re anxious or flail in our attempts to reach a goal, it’s helpful to remember:

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